Have you ever fed an apple slice to your puppy? Are you wondering, “are apples safe for my dog?” Apples are actually one of the healthiest fruits you could occasionally feed your dog, due to their high vitamin and fiber content. Other fruits can be rich in sugar, but apples help regulate blood sugar levels due to their fiber content. Here is how you can make healthy apple dog treats for your best friend!
Dogs and Apples – Why You Should Add This Fruit to Your Pooch’s Diet
Bailey eating her apple. #healthysnackApple slices. Help to clean residue off a dog's teeth, which helps to freshen breath. Apples are a good source of fiber as well as vitamin A and C. Make sure to take out the seeds and the core before feeding to your dog, as these can be choking hazards
Posted by DoggieCare on Monday, February 27, 2017
Apples are a healthy alternative to traditional dog treats and snacks for a dog who needs a low-protein diet. This is often the case with senior dogs who experience health issues.
There are other benefits associated with feeding apples to your pup:
- Fibers help with digestion and prevent blood sugar levels from spiking, which is one of the concerns associated with offering fruit to dogs.
- Vitamin C is good for your dog’s liver.
- Vitamin A helps with bone health.
- Apples contain other antioxidants that help fight joint disease and give your dog a healthy coat.
Dog treats should be fun to eat and apples have a crunchy consistency that should make this snack interesting. Chewing on an apple slice will help clean your dog’s teeth and this fruit is a healthier alternative to most store-bought dental chews for dogs since these products usually contain preservatives.
Things to Keep in Mind When Feeding Apples to Your Dog
Always remember the 10 percent rule. Treats and snacks shouldn’t account for more than 10 percent of what your dog eats.
You should always remove the skin, seeds, and core when offering an apple or apple slices to your pooch. The core represents a choking hazard, the seeds contain cyanide, and the skin might have been exposed to pesticides. If you have a smaller dog, cut the apple slices in half or in smaller pieces.
Apples can cause stomach aches and diarrhea. This is a fruit you should offer on an occasional basis. If you have never given an apple slice to your dog before, keep an eye on your pooch to see if this fruit causes any changes in digestion.
Introduce Apple In Different Forms
Letting your dog eat fruits is a great way to introduce more diversity in their diet. You should offer apple in different forms to see what your dog likes best and to make your pup’s snacks more diverse and interesting.
There are no specific apples for dogs – your dog can safely eat any variety of apple. You can offer raw slices or cubes, freeze apple slices, or give your dog some unsweetened applesauce.
Because store-bought applesauce often contains preservatives and added sugar, you should think about making your own. This is a very easy process:
- Slice some apples and boil them over medium heat for 20 minutes.
- Blend the apples and water in a food processor until you get a smooth mixture.
- You can add cinnamon for flavor since this spice is safe for dogs.
Five Apple Dog Treat Recipes
You can use apple as one of the main ingredients when baking treats for your dog. Here are a few original recipes for healthy homemade dog biscuits.
Dog Apple Pretzels
Getting ready for the vendor show on Sunday and trying out some new dog treat recipes! #apple #pretzels #dogtreats #homemade #newrecipe #k8sk9creations #k8sk9 #coneydays #sundayinthepark
Posted by K8's K9 Creations on Friday, June 23, 2017
These apple pretzels are a fun alternative to traditional dog biscuits. You will need:
- 3 cups almond flour (or any other kind of flour that is safe for dogs).
- 1 cup unsweetened applesauce.
- 1 egg.
Beat the egg in a bowl and put one tablespoon of the egg aside. Mix the rest of the egg with the flour an applesauce. This mixture will turn into a dough that you can roll to form small pretzels.
Brush the tablespoon of egg you put aside on the pretzels before baking at 350℉ for 30 minutes.
Apple Carrot Dog Treats
What are you doing with your Sunday? I'm baking doggy treats ☺This is my first batch…Apple and Carrot. They smell good. I'm just letting them cool before we do the taste test.
Posted by Woof Mobile Dog Wash Toowoomba on Saturday, July 1, 2017
Add some carrots to your homemade dog biscuits for a treat packed with vitamins. These are the ingredients you will need:
- 1 cup whole wheat flour.
- 1 cup grated carrots.
- ½ cup unsweetened applesauce.
- 1 egg.
Mix the carrots, applesauce, flour and the egg together. Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough until it is about ½ inch thick. You can then form dog treats with a cookie cutter and bake them for 30 to 35 minutes at 350℉.
Apple Cinnamon Dog Biscuits
Baking tonight: Apple & (a hint of) Cinnamon Doggy Biscuits! Mmmmh!
Posted by Tails & Paws, Homemade Doggy Treats on Thursday, August 28, 2014
Cinnamon adds a rich flavor to these biscuits and has anti-inflammatory properties. Here is how you can make these apple dog treats:
- 1 apple.
- 1 tablespoon cinnamon.
- 1/8 cup water.
- 1 ½ cup whole wheat flour.
- 1 cup oats.
Start by cutting the apple in small pieces. Mash these small pieces with the water. You can then add the flour, oats and the cinnamon. You should obtain a mixture with a doughy consistency that you can roll before cutting the treats.
Bake the apple cinnamon biscuits for 20 to 25 minutes at 350℉. You can use some peanut butter as icing for these treats!
Applesauce And Peanut Butter Dog Snacks
Your dog is going to love this easy recipe. You will only need a few ingredients:
- 1 ½ cup whole wheat flour.
- 1 cup oats.
- ½ cup peanut butter (assure there are NO sugar substitutes in your peanut butter, they can be toxic to dogs)
- ½ cup unsweetened applesauce.
Mix these four ingredients together until you get a ball of dough. Knead the dough for a few minutes and roll it. Ideally, your dough should have a thickness of ¼ inch. You can then cut the treats and bake them at 350℉ for 25 minutes.
Pumpkin And Apple Fall Puppy Treats
New cookie out today for the fall. It's Pumpkin-Apple stars and they are Yummy for your dogs tummy! Do you know that Pumpkin helps sooth your dogs tummy troubles? Apple is good fiber for dogs too!
Posted by Sammy's Treats on Saturday, September 3, 2016
This is a fun apple dog treats recipe you should try if you have some leftover pumpkin puree. Here is what you will need:
- 4 cups oats (you can use less and replace half of the oats with two cups of flour).
- 1 apple.
- 1 cup pumpkin puree.
Grate the apple and mix it with the oats and the pumpkin puree. You should obtain a dough that you can roll until it is about ½ inch thick. Cut the treats with a cookie cutter and bake them at 400℉ for 15 minutes.
Frozen Apple Dog Treats
Frozen apple dog treats for Max!
Posted by Ivy Luong Vaughn on Friday, May 1, 2015
Frozen dog treats are refreshing that your dog can chew or lick. You can, of course, freeze apple slices or cubes and offer them as a frozen puppy treat, or fill an ice cube tray with some unsweetened applesauce but there are other ways to make frozen treats with apples.
Frozen Apple And Yogurt Treats
DIY Frozen Apple Dog Treats..What you'll need:NutriBulletIce cube trayMeasuring cupsKnifeCutting boardFrozen…
Posted by Kitchen Witch on Sunday, November 5, 2017
Can dogs have frozen yogurt? Yes, but this depends on the kind of yogurt you buy. Yogurt is good for your dog’s digestive system and contains calcium and protein. However, you need to choose a yogurt that doesn’t contain added sugar or sweeteners. Stay away from yogurts with a high-fat content too.
Plain yogurt with no added sugar is a good choice. Here are a few examples of how you can mix plain yogurt and apple to make some frozen treats:
- Blend two apples with a cup of plain yogurt and add water if needed. Fill an ice cube tray with this mixture.
- Dip some apple slices or cubes into some yogurt. Freeze them on a baking sheet. This is a quick and easy solution if you don’t have a blender.
- Fill an ice cube tray with layers of peanut butter and plain yogurt. Add some small pieces of apple to make the texture of these treats more interesting.
Frozen Applesauce Snacks
You can mix unsweetened applesauce with different ingredients to make refreshing apple dog treats:
- Meat or veggie baby food.
- Peanut butter.
- A mashed banana.
- Chicken broth.
- Beef broth.
- Pieces of leftover meat.
Keep Your Dog Busy With An Apple Juice Surprise
You can keep your dog cool and busy on a hot afternoon by freezing some treats or toys inside of a bowl filled with apple juice. Your dog is going to love licking the apple juice and getting the toys or treats out of the block of frozen juice will be a fun experience.
You cannot use store-bought apple juice because it contains added sugar and preservatives. Instead, you can make your own unsweetened apple juice.
You should slice some apples and boil the slices over medium heat for about 20 minutes. Then, you can mash the soft apple slices. Put them back in the juice and boil the mixture again. Mash the apples again if needed. You can use a cheesecloth to strain the juice and add some cinnamon for flavor.
Pour the apple juice into a large bowl and add some toys or treats that your dog will find as they lick the frozen juice. These are some of the things you can add:
- Pieces of fruit.
- Pieces of meat.
- A rawhide chew toy.
- A bone.
- Your dog’s favorite biscuits.
- Some of your pup’s favorite toys.
Fruits should be a part of your dog’s diet because of their high vitamin content, but remember to offer fruits in moderation. Think about replacing some of the store-bought treats and snacks you use to reward your pet with some of these homemade apple biscuits and frozen treats!
Here is a great video of someone making their own Apple Juice Surprise!